Gerry Rezaldi a.k.a Katz a.k.a Ngicuk, is a copywriter, illustrator and sometimes an accidental racer from Jakarta who consumes sweet bread and noodles almost everyday. His artwork that seems to be reckless is a result from his being jittery and unable to stay still in the same place for a long time. Tremendously inspired by post-apocalyptic dicourse and the stories about mental issues that are wrapped around the discourse; as well as the events, memories, sounds and all visuals he’s encountered now and in the past, Gerry, following his explorations here and there, created his very own color palette. One that is presenting more of himself, the frenetic vivid yet gloomy at the same time. His alias -Katz- came from his tendency to care deeply about stranded cats, hence his name. In his artworks, you may find hints of cats, a hidden minor element yet of existance. Just as cats on the streets, they’re barely seen but exists everywhere, nevertheless.
MCC’s collaboration with Gerry Rezaldi was released in September 2019. His love of cats and friendship was chanelled artistically through his artwork called ‘WE ARE HERE’.

He wrote that his artwork was inspired by stories about insecurities that resides within every one of us, our family and friends.
What we have or what we go through may not be as perfect as we want it to be.
Yet we really don’t have to be as perfect as the society might expect, in any way. And yes you have the right to be super sad, as well as the right to be super rad.
And we are always here, ready to listen.
Intrigued to hear what he’s been doing now, we set up an interview with him, and here’s how it goes:

Could you tell us a bit about your current activities mas Gerry?
Hello MCC guys, thanks so much for the opportunity to chat! My current routine is as a creative lead in one of fintech start-ups, a copywriter at one of agencies, freelance illustrator, and sometimes a cheerleading team in cycling races.
We believe that you have tons of experiences aside from designing activities, such as becoming a messenger, a copywriter, and a cat trainer (haha). Could you tell us a bit, Mas?
That’s exactly right. Well, this might take some time to tell the story. Starting with becoming a messenger; it began with my cycling hobby actually. At that time I really needed some extra cash for my college tuition and assignments, so I started a messenger company with some friends in Bandung called Axle Ride, but now I decided to retire and become and ordinary cycling guy (Ind. Tr mas mas sepedaan) he he.
As for taking on work in creative industry, well, I’ve liked and worked on designs since high school. By the end of college I was tired of working on visual full-time, so I figured something out to find a full-time job that wasn’t too hard and didn’t deal with visual. I happened to like writing and creating stories, so I jumped into copywriting but remained freelance illustrator so that my visual skill stays sharpened and my bank account keeps filling up (hahaha).
About this cat thing, at first I was concerned with people who didn’t do justice to cats especially street cats. They made them objects instead of subjects, so I created an account called @unitednationofpaws, so that people could see that street cats could be cute, that they have stories, soul, and life.
At first I was quite overwhelmed with all those activities, but now they become superfun, so I have no excuse to get bored with any of those routines.
Could you tell us the ups and downs of being a messenger, Mas?
The ups was definitely having more time on my bike, meeting new people, opening and expanding new relations, and getting paid for those. But, you need a lot, yes A LOT of passion and patience to be a messenger. For me, no doubt that the earnings of being a messenger could be considered not much compared to the effort made and the responsibility to carry people’s important items; aside from traffic risks on the street. But again, I can’t lie that being a messenger was super fun!
Your work always displays cat figure. Maybe it is widely known; but could tell us again what makes you interested in cat figure, Mas Gerry?
The reason is a definite cliché; it’s because I love cats. But I also have a deeper yet ridiculous reason, and this is purely my opinion. Cats are the most magical creatures, the most selfish creatures in this whole universe, yet somehow they still look cute, and I can’t get mad at them even though they just stole fried chicken on the table or broke a dozen of my mom’s favorite plates. –
Moreover, whether we like it or not, cats are always in every inch of our lives; we see cats on the street, we see cats on Instagram, even when we eat in small stalls we see cats. Those are the things that I really wish to bring into my artwork, just as our unconsciousness of cats’ presence among us, amongst of plenty of great artworks; I really wish mine remain existed anywhere, anytime in every aspect of life, just creeping into people’s mind although they don’t realize the existence of my artworks.
You already had a number of collaborative projects with varied bicycle enthusiast industries or individuals. In your opinion, how long will they last?
Wow, it’s a tough question. In my opinion, collaboration trend will always remain, although maybe it won’t be as hype as now. No matter what, we are social beings that need each other, who like to cooperate, hand in hand for mutual advancement.
Why would you collaborate with MCC?
Why would I collaborate with MCC? I’m going to ask you back, who wouldn’t?! Hahaha. Aside from that, I think MCC is always supportive to each other. MCC is also one of the brands that have this kind of passion to make a cap, with an intense research. I’ve never seen such a determined cap brand that is eager to make people’s head look so terrific!
Do you have any particular favorite artist or artwork?
Honestly, I like Leonardo da Vinci, because his works were always beyond normal and magical at his time; they were astonishing. If there’d been online news portal, he would’ve been made the news with the headline “WOW VIRAL! This scientist invented an out-of-this-world invention, number 4 of being the most colossal!”
Do you have any inspiring role models?
My parents! I always look up them on everything; they have been so patient in trying and compromising with a lot of stuff to make a man out of their three rascals hehe..
Do you have any advice for youngsters who wish to put hobby and profession together?
Hmm, maybe more to keep believing and doing what you like. The result may not be seen within a month or two, but in the end if you keep trying, making efforts, being consistent, and maybe if it’s meant to be, I’m sure there will be outcome and enlightenment.